Wednesday 21 September 2011

Life's Little Warnings and Lessons

It has been a bit of a mental fortnight so I've been unable to update the ole blog sooner. However, have had to edit some of my posts etc as a little warning was made loud and clear...NOTHING you put on the internet is safe!

I didn't think I was at a particularly reckless point in my life but have been grateful for all the cautionary warnings and promptins I have received this week...warnings to be careful when opening my gob (or blog), thinking before shoving foot in mouth at work and generally letting go and taking time to not stress out.

As a teacher, the job is obviously full on and my health has taken a bit of a tumble. Although I'm not about to have a nervous breakdown, yet another cold/flu thing and throat problems (that's twice in two months) have given me the hint to slow the frig down. The hubby is getting more and more worried:
"What do you mean you don't eat lunch or breakfast? You can't do that, take a nutri-grain bar or something or nick an apple from the kids' fruit bowl"...rather than correcting him (fruit is served in KS1, not KS2 as they shove it down toilets and are generally not allowed by some governemtn scheme) I have to understand that he is coming from a point of love. You're bound to burn out I suppose if you're constantly going from one thing to the next, day after day, week after week- even if you do have a good class and enjoy the fact that time zooms by when you're doing PE in the yard and making habitats for woodlice. Schools talk about the importance of a work-life balance yet jobs get piled up over weekends and evening. I can hear the good ole "Your job is easy, you have over 6 weeks off a year" argument now. On average, I spend a week of each half term working, around 3-4 weeks of the summer working when I am supposedly on hoilday and my average day is 7:30am-6:00 at school and then usually working to 8-9 (on good days) once I'm home and have my tea! Don't be quick to judge the teaching lifestyle before you've spent a week observing in a school...I know I used to think it couldn't be that hectic! However, I do love my job and do my best to teach as well and as interestingly as I can...but I no longer accept that my job should be my whole life. Even Doctors and Firemen get a break and my job doesn't even come close to some of the stressors there!

Yes, working and job security and enjoyment are so important for lifestyle, living in general and of course your sense of purpose and self-esteem. But this week I've learned of a sudden, unthinkable tragedy in a friend's family that just again, reminded me that your families and loved ones are so much more important than anything else. My Dad has a motto: Family comes First. He has said it when my older brother watched his mates tease me at school and laughed along and he said it to me when I freaked out that my Mum was going to have a baby again when I was 16. I've had to say it to myself this week when I came in feeling ill and tired from work and jumped down my husband's throat about something...I didn't even stop to think that he might have had a difficult day himself (which he had, moreso than mine) beforehand. This surely becomes even more important when you start thinking about having your own kids. My mother always put us first and that's the kind of mum I want to be. It's the kind of wife I want to be.

So, next Mrs M is going to slooooooooow down and keep things in perspective. And watch her mouth. Carefully.

Anyways onto what I hope will be some regular bloggy features:
Exciting News this week: 
1) I babysat my nephew for a whole evening (including sleepy time) AND HE REMAINED ALIVE! Whoop Whoop! There is hope for me as a mother yet! However, I am disturbed and alarmed by In the Night Garden and said nephew had already been put to bed by mum and I was just told to leave him to soothe himself to sleep. So his being alive wasn't actually down to me. The kisses and mind-blowing experience of discovering which door hid the washing machine, were ALL ME!
2) Abi and Joe are coming over to chow down on my food on Thursday NOM NOM NOM! 
3) Glee Series 3 and an Idiot Abroard 2 start this week. Got itchy and have already watched Glee Episode 1 online. Without the hubby. Who loves Glee. Ommers. I would go mad if he watched 24 or House before me. Don't tell him! I do have some issues though with the "character development" (or lack thereof, it is Glee after all...we don't watch it for the writing, do we?) but I don't want to spoil anything. I think I'll dedicate a whole blog to slagging off Glee and the Glee project followed by an outpouring of love that stems from an addiction to show tunes...and Blaine Warbler... (does he have a last name? I'm next on the list for Fag Hag)

Suggested Film: "Blades of Glory" : I watched it when I was sick this week and it cheered me up.

Film to Avoid: He's just not that into you. Now, listen. I LOVE chick flicks. I LOVE romance in cheesy form in particular (I have been robbed of it as most women have) but this film was the biggest pile of steaming, sexist crap I have ever seen. I thought it might be alright because it had tonnes of famous people in it but it's not. They tried to do a Love Actually thing by having 5 or 6 different stories weaving into one but it did not work. I did not care that Scarlett Johanssen was sleeping with Bradley Cooper who was married to Jennifer Connolly or that Ben Affleck didn't want to marry Jennifer Aniston but does a surprise proposal at the end because "If I want a shot of being happy, I have to make you happy first"...The worst one though was The woman who played Johnny Cash's wife in Walk the Line (don't even know her name) literally throwing herself at every man in a somewhat desperate way throughout the film and being portrayed as a typical single women. Er...don't think so!

Song Pick: Caro Emerald- That Man.


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