Saturday, 24 September 2011

Life Lessons I have learned from Glee!

I love Glee. I genuinely do. I don't think it's the most amazing thing ever to be on TV but it's good fun and a nice healthy dose of cheese. In fact, I would go as far to say I was a "Gleek" but not so far as stalking the actors on Twitter.

Best part is, I got Rich into it too...much to his shame and the joy of his co-workers. It hasn't done much to squash the rumours that he's gay and I don't exist and that he hired me to be his beard and come out to the pub with him once. He calls it his "guilty pleasure" but I know he proper loves it.

In celebration of the new series, I have decided to do a love/hate thing on Glee. It is mightily mightily flawed. So without further ado, I will give you a list of Life Lessons I have learned from Glee...

Life Lessons I have Learned from Glee...

1) You can transfer High Schools at the drop of a hat, no questions asked. Your parents will automatically be ok with it, especially if it to leave a top private school in your senior year to join your boyfriend.

2) Bursting into song at any time and any place is normal.

3) All females are one dimensional As long as you fit into one or more of the following 3 categories: Bitch/arrogant/badass, Slut/Dumb and Odd but lovable the writers can cope and you can join Glee Club. Note: No one watches Glee for the amazing writing but come on...

4) It is ok for your High School teacher to hug you, invite you to his apartment and drive you in his car without permission from either the school or parents.

5) You don't need a teaching qualification to teach any subject, You can literally walk into a classroom and do it.

6) As long as your Cheerleading Coach gets a trophie, she is allowed to abuse pupils emotionally and physically and have a Downs Syndrome child as her lacky. I would keep my teaching job and CRB clean if I did this.

7) Your Glee club can meet at any time during the day because it is the only mandatory lesson. Occasionally you may be shown for a few snippets in any other class but as Glee is the only one that gives you homework, it is the only important lesson. SIGN ME UP FOR THIS SCHOOL!

8) The "star" quarterback, much like the "star" basketballer in High School Musical, can do whatever he wants and always gets the best solos...despite having the weakest voice out of all the males.

9) Even if you do manage to sneak a song away from Rachel Berry (who gets EVERYTHING), She'll still get a killer number at one point during the episode to make everyone forget you however well you sing.

10) If one of your actors wins a Golden Globe, everyone else goes on the back seat. Period.

I do love Glee. I love the different factions it represents and the way that some of the issues are dealt with. I love singing along to the songs and look forward to what's going to be happening each week on a rudimentary level...but I cannot take it seriously and find myself caring less and less about the characters as they shove randomers in to fill roles! SO I suppose I shall just watch with a critical eye and enjoy the music and camp-as-christmas choreography while Rachel and Finn get the best songs.

Film Pick: The Kings Speech. AMAZING!

Crappy Film Pick: Aquamarine starring Emma Roberts...should have known it would be total teen tish. It's not worth any more blog space.

Song Pick: Glee- You can't stop the beat. Literally wet myself when this came on on Thursday night. Yes, I love the original Hairspray version the best but I had to restrain myself from Dancing.
Adios! Please feel free to post what Glee has taught you!

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